Many guests at the funeral of Nelson Mandela enjoyed the animated vote of thanks given by former Zambian president Kenneth Kaunda in Qunu on Sunday.
Loud laughter was heard when Kaunda referred to the apartheid-era National Party, led by FW De Klerk, as the "Boer" party.
As his address ran over time, ANC deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa walked up to the podium to signal to him to wrap up.
Kaunda got the audience giggling when he protested, saying people were "trying to control an old man who fought the Boers".
Ramaphosa shrugged and smiled.
Kaunda took the opportunity to remind the apartheid government of its shameful treatment of Mandela and his fellow men.
"I had a chance to meet a number of friends of the boer company. I spent three nights with [former Prime Minister John] Vorster on a train [stationed on the railway bridge over Victoria Falls, which separates Zambia and Zimbabwe]," Kaunda said.
"I asked the prime minister to please release Nelson Mandela and his colleagues and come together in discussions. It came to nothing."
"Then came another boer leader -- I think he was called [PW] Botha -- to discuss the future of South Africa together. I didn't succeed and it also came to nothing."
"Then came my meeting with FW de Klerk... and, after a few hours, I called a press conference where I said: 'I think I can do business with this man'. Thank goodness he released this great man."
Here is my view to the above article
People Like You Are the opposite Of What Madiba Stood For. You are a big ignorant racist that inherited a beautiful country, which was built by white regime and you with your actions have destroyed! It is now a third world country, like all the surrounding African countries that were run by the “racist whites and boers". Let’s mention a few. Mozambique- is a third world country. I have come across many black people that have said with conviction, they would rather go back to white rule as they had money, food and schools and hospitals to go to, now it is in a shambles, Zimbabwe was a beautiful country under Ian Smith and now??????? Zambia given to (Keneth Kaunda), Tanzania, Angola, Malawi, etc.,etc. they were all wonderful countries, rich in agriculture, mines, etc., now they are all THIRD WORLD COUNTRIES. They are full of criminals, fraudsters, liars, and self-seeking leaders. Majority of the PEOPLE that were looking forward to a Black Power Rule are still living in poor conditions and even worse than in the White Rule. Just look at Nkandla house, I mean village, built for a certain BOSS not Leader, yet most of the people around his house (village) do not even have water or electricity. I do not agree with the apartheid, but it should be run in conjunction with the white government. Unfortunately South Africa is going the same route. The government and schools are a total disgrace. The city centres are in an appalling state, the filth is indescribable. No pride for their own country, their own home. During the white government the schools (all schools) had books, desks, good teachers, and discipline. Now school books in KZN were not even delivered. The people that got the tender to deliver the books to schools, burnt them, yes burnt them, instead of delivering them, yet they got paid!!!!! Children stab other kids, they abuse and assault the teachers, I could go on and on.