How on earth can Home Secretary "Theresa May" say on Television that they do not want the Police using water cannons or force, the should rather be community orientated?! Which part of the world is Mrs May living in?!.. Ask the likes of Trevor Reeves whose business, House of Reeves (which goes back 5 generations in his family) went up in flames, caused by hooligans that have no fear or respect for the Police because they are well aware the Police are not geared for riots of this nature.
Police are there to protect the public from attacks of any form, not just to look pretty in their uniforms.

Why would a gang of hooligans be scared of Police Men that carry a baton and a shield?!.... come on?!.. no wonder they keep on provoking the police. You know why?!... because they can.
These "terrorist" attacks have now spread to Birmingham, Bristol, Liverpool, Croydon, Lewisham, Peckham and on and on.
I would like to see what orders would the Police get if these hooligans take over the streets leading to 10 Downing Street Or Buckingham Palace.
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