Monday 8 August 2011

London's Rampage News

Watching Sky News concerning what is happening in Tottenham, is very disturbing and really makes me angry. How certain individuals have the audacity to make excuses for the rampage & vandalism is ridiculous.
  They are complaining that the police are using force and are not polite?!... Come on?!.. after fires being set, police vans getting bombarded with all kind of  street trash, Police getting verbally and physically abused, do they expect the Police to go to them and politely ask "please stop vandalising, throwing stones at the Police vehicles, and, please behave like human beings with  respect for life and peoples possessions".
Just because you were born non- white, does not give you an excuse to constantly blame the whites for having more than you.
The whites work for their honest living. They were not born with their hands reaching out for  freebies.
They get education which the parents pay for, or are sent to government schools. They do not trash their class rooms or force the private schools to accept them without paying their fees.
Respect is not a gift, it is earned, If you have no respect for yourselves  how can you respect others, or expect others to respect you?
Stop being militants (you can always volunteer to go and fight in Afghanistan), lazy, thieves and using your colour as a scapegoat.
You non- whites can not have it both ways. In Africa the whites are told they are not Africans they are  Europeans, thus they expect them  to give what they have worked for to the non-whites, so why do the non-, whites in Europe think they have more rights then the whites?
 You are all biting the hands that are feeding you.
If  I was a President or Minister of a Country, I would reign it like Salazar ( Portuguese President) and Franco( Spain's President). They did not stick their noses in other countries business, but they did not allow any Country to do likewise. Their motto "mind your own business, and we will mind ours".
So what would I do in England? Round up all non-whites, put them on ships and deport them to where their ancestors came from, Jamaica, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, Kenya, Mozambique, Swaziland etc.
So all of you lazy, militant thieves pack your bags and go home to your brothers and sisters and see if you will be better off.

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